Investment Management

  • We Are Fiduciaries

    Our mission is to responsibly manage our client’s assets with discipline, conviction, and integrity.

  • Independent

    Our firm is employee-owned. We are an advisory service, with no products.

  • Transparent

    Our firm is designed around being operationally transparent to our employees and clients. We provide a custom online client reporting portal.

Our Process

We are fundamental investors with a well-defined and consistent investment process that combines various analytical styles.

We employ actively managed investment strategies. Client portfolios are long-term focused and tax-efficient. Our goal is to generate competitive returns while maintaining a client-centric approach.

We tailor portfolios to our individual clients. We take into account the current macro environment but assemble positions with a bottom-up approach. We ensure that portfolio holdings are in concert with client objectives. Our client portfolios are managed to be tax-efficient with competitive returns.

We provide custom solutions for large single-stock positions. This offering can help manage risk, generate income, and help with long-term planning around legacy positions.

In addition to our portfolio management, we also manage an Alternative investment platform, Bayberry-West Partners, which provides access to the highest quality managers that fall outside of traditional long-only ones such as ourselves.

Our Strategies


Link to PCAM Adv part 1

Link to PCAM adv part 2

Link to PCAM CRS